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IMPORTANT NOTE: For the safety of our children, it is essential that the Manager or a rostered parent from the team attend all training sessions and games for Junior teams.  


Training Information 

Training for all teams (excluding opens) will occur once a week for the duration of one hour. Training for Opens is at the discretion of the team and organised through the club. All training days and locations are based on the suitability and requirements of each team. The club will aim to place age groups together or at least have another team train at the same time and location. Please note that it is often a difficult task to get a training time and location that suits all team members and the coach, so we politely ask that you please be as accommodating as possible with your availability of training sessions.

In line with our Club values and in fairness to other team members and the Coach, it is expected that all players will attend 90% of all training sessions and games for the duration of the season. If a player is unable to attend a training session or game it is the parent's responsibility to contact the manager and/or coach. If circumstances prevent a player from attending training or games in the long term please contact the Coaching Convenor to discuss alternate options.

In addition, it is also the role of the parents to ensure that the coach has the ability to do their job so please make sure players turn up on time and are prepared. Parents should not intervene during training sessions or comment on a coach's performance in front of other team members. If a parent has an issue with the coach please direct it to your manager; who will then pass your feedback onto the Coaching Convenor or a Committee Member.

Training Locations 

Training locations are allocated based on what day best suits the coach,  the majority of the team and court availability. Training at Canoon, Lofberg and The Glade can be from late afternoon to evening as there are lights at these courts. Training at Wahroonga Public School and Prouille can be from 3.30 pm and the last session normally ends around 5 pm as there are no lights at these courts. 

U9’s to Cadets 

Canoon Road, South Turramurra (U9’s to Cadets) 

Lofberg Road, West Pymble (U12’s to Cadets) 

The Glade, Wahroonga – entry from Ada Ave, Wahroonga (U9’s to U11’s)

Net Set Go

The Glade, Wahroonga – entry from Ada Ave, Wahroonga 

Wahroonga Public School

Prouille School (for NetSetGo Prouille-based teams)

The Club’s Court Booking Officer can be contacted by the Team Manager to book their court training time.  Only a half-court may be booked by a single team for one hour per week.  It is important that teams do not contact the Wahroonga Public School or Prouille directly. 

Parent Responsibility at Training

As a Club, we want to ensure the safety of all our members.  Our Coaches and Managers give up their time voluntarily and should never be used as a ‘babysitting’ service.

For the protection of all our members, Wahroonga Netball Club requests that all teams comply with the following guidelines:

  • For the safety of our children, it is essential that the Manager or a rostered parent from the team attend all training sessions and games. 

  • It is not the responsibility of the Coach to stay until children are collected or to escort them to their parents/carers.  The Coach’s club commitment finishes at the end of training.  Parents/carers, please collect your child from the training session promptly. 

  • For those children who train at Wahroonga Public School and attend After School Care, please request that staff collect them promptly at the end of the training session. 

  • No child is to ‘join in’ on a training session without being a registered member of the Club.

  • The Club would like all teams to adopt the ‘second last parent rule’ (recommended by NSW Sport and Recreation). That is, that the second last parent/carer to collect their child does not leave until the last parent/carer arrives to collect their child. THIS ENSURES THAT NO CHILD IS LEFT UNSUPERVISED.


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